We’ve made brand identity uplifting starting with the logotype and finishing with the brand color palette and fonts. The core aim was to save the cold and professional look of Acorn Property Invest but bring innovative touch to it to make Acorn stand out from the others companies
Acorn PG
Our main objective was to convey a modern, innovative, trustworthy, and professional image for Acorn.
Acorn Property Invest (API) was established to allow investors to diversify into the thriving UK property market through fixed-term investments, providing either regular, fixed income or capital growth
We started by creating a clean and minimalist layout that puts the focus on the platform's primary value proposition. We used a cool blue color scheme and incorporated high-quality property photos along with graphics that highlight the benefits of investing in real estate
Our agency crafted a comprehensive visual identity that elevates Acorn's brand to new heights. From business cards to letterhead, we ensured that every touchpoint aligns with Acorn's brand values and conveys a sense of premium professionalism
We were blown away by their attention to detail and commitment to making sure the website was up to our standards.