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Duration6 weeks
ServicesBrand identityWebsite design

The challenge was to create a brand identity and website that combine creative visuals and layouts with functional aspects of the brand.

Chromium Development is a forward-thinking real estate development company dedicated to constructing sustainable and cost-effective properties that minimize environmental impacts. It strives to revolutionize the industry, setting new benchmarks for sustainability, and creating a brighter, greener future for generations to come.

The design concept for the Chromium Development project embraced a modular approach, symbolizing the company's dedication to creating flexible and versatile housing solutions.

Chromium Development integrates sustainable design principles into every aspect of their real estate projects.


Industry recognitionBehance UX/UI GalleryBehance Stock Gallery
Dima MiroMaria BrilkovaVioletta Martinova

Working on Chromium's branding was an absolute joy as we got to showcase strong commitment to sustainability and minimizing the environmental footprint.